Our Services
We address the shortage of skilled workers.
We address the shortage of skilled workers.
We take care of everything from the recruitment and needs-based selection of candidates in the respective source countries, to the arrangement of German courses, specific training courses in accordance with German educational standards, certified translations and the recognition of foreign qualifications, visa procedures, dealing with authorities, finding accommodation, through to the actual transfer to Germany and beyond (integration management, family reunification).
As an official partner of TÜV Rheinland Academy, we train specialists according to German training standards in our source countries at the customer’s request. This saves you, the client, time and money and provides you with a specialist who is ready to go.
Benefit from our comprehensive range of services that go far beyond traditional temporary staffing. We significantly reduce your recruitment effort and provide access to a large pool of qualified candidates, minimizing the risk of recruitment. Our service increases your flexibility and competitiveness, while you benefit from cost savings. With our unique “in-house concept”, you receive an all-round carefree package, ranging from in-service language training and international recruitment to support with administrative procedures.
We prepare our skilled and junior staff for long-term living and working in Germany and help them to improve their German language skills. Our contribution to the sustainable recruitment of skilled workers from abroad:
We initiate contacts, establish contacts, build and maintain networks, initiate projects in B2B and B2G business – both at home and abroad (Central Asia, Eastern Europe, South East Asia).
As an experienced and globally networked team, we offer customised and effective solutions that meet the needs of our customers thanks to analytical and solution-oriented consulting work.
In this complicated process we are a link between employer and employee, which requires precise yet holistic coordination and agreement.